Time = Dimension° ----------------- Energy
Dimension° = Energy ---------- Time
Dimension* = (Energy)3
Info/Matter = (Energy + dimension°) --------------------------------- Time
Understanding = Info x Energy
Confirmation = (Info)3
Knowledge = Understanding + Confirmation
Wisdom* = Knowledge + Application - Time
Energy = Jesus Christ (LOVE)
Energy is multidimensional and also not subject to time. It can not end and only passes through dimensions, moving in between this one (in time) and another (without time). It exists both there and here and everywhere all the time or in no time.To understand this you have to look at it for what it is.
If energy loses energy, then it can not be energy. Let's say it loses energy here in the earth, then at some point in time it won't identify with it's own defining characteristic. Which makes it untrue to itself at some point in time. This means it was never true to begin with seeing as truth is only true if it remains true inside and outside the perimeters of time. Energy therefore, is only energy if the amount of force remains consistent and the output of work is maintained on the subject matter. Matter is not energy but rather is created by energy. Energy has the power to move in or out of matter, or move matter. There was and is and will only ever be one energy that is the source of all matter. This energy was not created but created all things and all things are from it, through it and to it.
(Rom 11:36 "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.")
Energy has a number of other relations that take up the same eternal identity encapsulated in Christ. We mentioned Truth. How about Love? Can love be love if it seizes to love? If so, it means love was never love but merely infatuation. And Grace? Can grace be grace if one day it gives up on being graceful and starts to demand merit. So too Faith. If faith no longer ignores reality, outgrows its innocence and loses its confidence - was this even faith at all? Within the timeline of earth (Dimension°), the above examples of Christ's greatest workings showed us how steadfastly He was the greatest. Albeit until that one dreaded day. The day that Energy himself willfully gave up everything to save the matter He himself created. Laying down all of His being, all of everything that makes Him who is He is, so that we could become that which we never could become... When Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins, He suffered and died a gruesome death. Just before He died, while hanging on that cross, He cried out these words; '"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is, being interpreted, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"' - Mark15:34 God the Father in that moment experienced the greatest discomfort and disconnection in eternity. As He had power to lay down His life, so too He took it up again! The switch was painful and not swift. But to us, it was glorious. No longer were we just matter but now we could become sons. Our redemption was done and our freedom received. Seeded by Light, we now are a source of Light. Birth in to Energy, we now create energy. Once we were disconnected and only reflected energy, now we exhort others to Energy. The formula has been corrected. The information was confirmed and understanding was gained. Through this, knowledge was received so that wisdom can be shown. E = Jesus Christ (LOVE)