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Four Questions

Q1: What do you want? Q2: What does God want? Q3. Who am I? Q4. Who is Christ?

Q1. What do you want? The first question is not the most important question, but it is the question the world is catering its answers to the most. It will offer you everything in the hope of satisfying the hunger for the answer to Q1. You will learn that when the desire is met, the heart of man is revealed. Man himself is clearly expressed in his own pleasures. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." And a clear understanding of oneself will determine a clear desire. Likewise, lack of it will lead to external influence on what you truly want. One who has understanding of self has easy plans toward achieving goals. So too, individuals underactive in pursuit of goals are commonly known to lack understanding of self thus not knowing what to seek. Both plights are futile and hollow, leaving no legacy for the next soul. It's always about one and you alone. And the longevity of one human’s cause is limited within the boundaries of earth. Ultimately man longs for eternity. But not just any ever after. We want it with peace. And whether we know it or not, we want God to be pleased with what we want. Sadly, what we want doesn't oft echo what God wants. The little joy we find in moments and matter, we find doesn't last and almost certainly contradict lasting value. Instant pleasures truly go against an eternal God. Though our souls unknowingly crave His holy eternal living quarters with all its secrets, our nature yearns only for that that lives in the now. The momentary life becomes the primary concern and along the way, while the clock ticks away, we become stuck in sourcing and resourcing a life that isn't life at all. While doing all this, we try and fit God in to this limitation. By doing so we make one of our treasures about us wanting Him. In order to illustrate what we want, we showcase to the world how much we love Him and not the other way around. And from the go it fails seeing as He cannot be placed alongside anyone or anything else. Only above. The answer: The selfish desire of man overlooks the heart of God and fellow creation wanting only to fill the void of a cause prebuilt into himself that he himself doesn’t truly know or understand.

Q2. What does God want? The second question is a very important question. Posed mostly by the Church in pursuit of seeking God's will, the answer to it lies in the Word and isn't as simple and one dimensional to answer as the world view tries to allude. Yes, it too relates to dimension, time and people but it's purpose or plainly put, the answer, concerns the desire of the Creator above that of the creation but well for creation. This is not a purpose subject to time but because of people, God narrows down His agenda to benefit man. Placing His desire in our realm, within our time, in our space for our benefit. How can what He wants be about us? The end of this train of thought leads us to one answer: Love. Unconditional LOVE for man. One can then say that the answer to Q2 is for us to know and experience this unwavering LOVE.

Q3. Who am I? Questions 3 and 4 derive from the first two questions and can be directly link to either respectively. Who am I? (To know Christ in me) - Who is Christ? (To know Him) The answer to Q1, if understood properly, needs to point you to a mystery found in the answer of Q3. It is only fair to assume that the answer to Q4 is found in knowing and understanding the weight in the answer of Q2. Our treasures reveal who we openly stated we are and where we invested time and value in. In Q2 we found where God's investment sits. In people. The revelation of difference in want - Q1 and Q2 - propels us toward this reflection in Q3.

How can I want anything that will ultimately perish or anything that contrasts Love himself? Notably the focus should be on His wants and not on my short-sightedness. His desires for me brings life while mine hoards death and stores up only that which is unfit for the soul. Once we have heard the Truth - God loved us while we were yet sinners - we can begin to ask Q3 with a focus on true purpose...God's purpose. What has God placed inside of me? This opens the doors of understanding and initiates the pursuit for the Him in me. My discovery of His heart overshadows my dreams and brings my striving to end. All of a sudden it's about what Love has done and where He has done it. And what that means is that inside of me a loving substitute begins to live. A new creature is born with a new heart and a new purpose. His purpose, which is for His glory, yet for all people. If not for Love, who am I? But for Love, I am. – Isaac Petersen

Q4. Who is Christ? The quest for this one thing now rules the heart of new creations: Who is this Christ and what does He want to do now? The everyday feeding on Q2's answer - reconciliation of man with God through Christ's death and resurrection - fuels the desire to know know now and not later. Today and not tomorrow. Who Christ is, you ought to see revealed in us, through the continued unfolding of the above revelations. The mystery of the Gospel is Christ manifested in us, the hope of Glory. By grace we have been saved through faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Through this we obtain eternal life. The Christ in me seeks for the eternal things of heaven and what I wanted has faded away. What God wants, He has provisioned for me in Christ. Who I am is being unravelled momentarily...even here now. These words have never been written by anyone ever. It is He writing, speaking through me to you. It is not known what I shall be! Who is Christ? He is the embodiment of I AM in me.

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