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Opinion vs Faith

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. So, the saying goes. People today are readily available to give their opinion on just about everything and everyone. As long as we don't insult each other's beliefs. Well, at least not directly or publicly. And we've come as far as agreeing to disagree. Especially when we have an audience. Playing it safe in order to keep the peace. But being politically correct has become a mask for people's real beliefs. A facade for what we actually believe. We have become so afraid of saying what we really think and feel. We sacrifice our faith for the sake of peace among peers, in fear of being ridiculed from our inner circles. But is my opinion really that serious and even worth defining as faith? Isn't it just a simple opinion? If I claim the sky is green - based on observation, data, etc - and you say the sky is blue - based on observation, data, etc - then we are not that different. We just seem to have different opinions, right? It seems we have a deadlock in theory and proofs. But not so. There is a difference between the two "believers". Allow me: If what you believe is relative and directly affected by time, people and popularity, then your beliefs are in vain. All three these factors suffer extreme change and therefore your "beliefs" can only be defined as relative faith. In other words, opinion. Opinions change all the time and are easily affected by those three factors. This is pure religion. The altering beliefs of man which are based on relative truths. If what you believe is not relative to time, people and popularity, then you have found real faith and not religion. If the data/info/Word remains unchanged and unaffected by time, people and popularity, then you have tapped in to absolute Truth. Yes, you know where I'm going with this. Christ Jesus supersedes any zeitgeist and ALL religion. And this not my opinion. I say this because His Word has remained true from before time and was never subject to popular belief or people's opinion about it. You either believe Him or you don't. And over millennia generations have passed by, time advanced and opinions changed. Even scientific "facts"/theories/laws and opinions on Jesus himself transmuted. But He never changed, nor did His Word. This is real faith. When you believe in something, someone or their words, you place your faith in what that person/thing/data (words) are based on. You judge them as being truthful. You direct your faith to the origin of that information or person,

and not just the information itself. Your beliefs are directly linked to the root of the data. The source of the information/data/words you put your trust and faith in becomes your idol/god. You depend on its credibility and promote its livelihood. We defend our opinions about it and justify it. Only to learn that the source of our faith, the root of our belief has altered. This is tragic. To learn that the very idea you once defended has changed it stance. Leaving you exposed and vulnerable to yet another passing idea...another passing god. Take my advice and try the Jesus faith. Faith in the unchanging source of life. Trust the One who is Alpha and Omega. Rely on Him who is the Beginning and the End. Hope on the First and the Last. This is not an entitlement given by man. This is a gift from God. One Lord, one faith. Everything else is foolishness.

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